How to Live Your Best Life as You Age

What does it mean to age gracefully? You can’t stand in a checkout line without seeing at least a few magazine headlines about how to look younger. While dreading some wrinkles and sagging isn’t uncommon, there’s so much more to aging well. Aging gracefully isn’t about trying to look like a 20-something — it’s about … Read more

Vitamin D Deficiency and Hair Loss

Vitamin D is an important nutrient that is essential to our health. It boosts immunity, keeps bones strong and skin healthy, stimulates cell growth, and helps create new hair follicles. You absorb vitamin D through sun exposure primarily, but you can take dietary supplements and eat certain foods to up your intake of the nutrient. … Read more

How Diet Affects Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition known as alopecia in the medical field. It has many known causes, including: genetics hormonal dysregulation hypothyroidism tension on the hair trauma infection chemotherapy Hair loss can also be caused by diet-related factors, such as nutrient deficiencies and supplement use . Micronutrient deficiencies Hair is made up of two … Read more

Can You Follow an Eco-Friendly Diet and Still Eat Meat?

If you’re concerned about the environment, you may wonder whether to continue eating meat. Food production has environmental impacts because it uses water and land. Therefore, eating foods that are made with fewer resources (and don’t significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions) is often said to be better for the planet. Plant foods are generally … Read more

20 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Food Waste

Food waste is a bigger problem than many people realize. In fact, nearly one-third of all food produced in the world is discarded or wasted for various reasons. That equates to nearly 1.3 billion tons every year (1). Not surprisingly, industrialized countries like the United States waste more food than developing nations. In 2010, the … Read more

Can Vitamin D Lower Your Risk of COVID-19?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that plays a number of critical roles in your body. This nutrient is especially important for immune system health, leaving many people wondering whether supplementing with vitamin D may help reduce the risk of contracting the new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. While antivirals like Paxlovid show promise as a … Read more

How Long Does It Take to Lose Weight?

Factors like age, gender, and your starting point can affect how long it takes you to lose weight. The timeframe can also depend on how many calories you take in relative to how many you spend. Whether you want to lose weight for a special occasion or simply improve your health, weight loss is a … Read more

The Definitive Guide to Healthy Eating in Real Life

To eat healthier, start by making small changes. Make each meal or snack contain nutrient-dense foods, and try to avoid processed foods. Depending on whom you ask, “healthy eating” may take many forms. It seems that everyone, including healthcare professionals, wellness influencers, coworkers, and family members, has an opinion on the healthiest way to eat. … Read more